Curvature-directed Rendering
A perceptually optimal technique for conveying the shape of 3D surfaces
A Computer Science graduate with a knack for computer graphics, virtual reality, and games programming.
A perceptually optimal technique for conveying the shape of 3D surfaces
A Vampire Survivors inspired mobile game created in Unity
A ray tracing renderer built from scratch in C++
A Unity package that provides brushing, linking, and filtering between multiple 2D plots and 3D visualizations
A work-in-progress game of 5+ years, built from the ground up in Unity
A fishing game with a detailed water simulation
An inverse kinematics solver used to drive procedural animations
A GPU-accelerated cloth simulation
A GPU-accelerated Stable Fluids simulation
A simple pathfinding simulation utilizing the A* algorithm
A simple Unity game that challenges players to create Chinese characters out of their component parts
Ray marched motion capture animations